Opt meaning in Urdu is, “منتخب کرنا” and written in Roman Urdu as “Muntakhib”. There are many synonyms of the word opt which include determine, decide, pick, cull, elect, prefer, choose, vote, conclude, select, prefer, etc.
Determine تعین
Decide فیصلہ
Pick چننا
Cull روکنا
Elect چننا
Choose منتخب
Vote ووٹ
Conclude نتیجہ اخذ
Select منتخب
Prefer ترجیح
Definition of Opt in English.
Choosing anything is called opt. If you intend to do any work, you choose it and decide to do it by giving priority to the work, this is called opt. For example, deciding in favor of a chosen thing for a tax increase. Preferring one thing over another like choosing to buy new a bike rather than an old bike.
Definition of Opt in Urdu.
کسی بھی چیز کا انتخاب کرنا آپٹ کہلاتا ہے۔ اگر آپ کسی کام کو کرنے کا ارادہ رکھتے ہیں تو آپ اس کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں اور کام کو ترجیح دیتے ہوئے اسے کرنے کا فیصلہ کرتے ہیں، اسے آپٹ کہتے ہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر، ٹیکس میں اضافے کے لیے کسی منتخب چیز کے حق میں فیصلہ کرنا۔ ایک چیز کو دوسری پر ترجیح دینا جیسے پرانی بائیک کے بجائے نئی بائیک خریدنا-
Form Verb
How To Spell Opt [Op-t]
Origin of Opt Its origin comes from French opter, from the late nineteenth century, from Latin optare “choose & wish”.
Synonyms of Opt, Similar to Opt.
There are many synonyms of the word opt which include determine, decide, pick, cull, elect, prefer, choose, vote, conclude, select, prefer, etc.
Opt Urdu Meaning.
If you find the correct meaning of the word opts, then first understand this word. Opt meaning in Urdu is, “منتخب کرنا” and written in Roman Urdu as “Muntakhib”. There are many synonyms of the word opt which include determine, decide, pick, cull, elect, prefer, choose, vote, conclude, select, prefer, etc. According to the part of speech, opt is a verb. Opt is spelled as [op-t]. Its origin comes from French opter, from the late nineteenth century, from Latin optare “choose & wish”.
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