Asparagus meaning in Urdu is, “ موصلی سفید” and written in Roman Urdu as “Mosli Safaid”. There are many synonyms of the word asparagus which include veggie, veg, vegetable, edible, herbaceous plant, bamboo shoots, juicy stems, etc.
Veggie سبزی
Veg سبزی
Vegetable سبزی
Edible کھانے کے قابل
Herbaceous Plant جڑی بوٹیوں والا پودا
Bamboo shoots بانس ٹہنیاں
Juicy stems رسیلی تنا
Definition of Asparagus in English.
A genus of Old World plants that have too many branches is called asparagus. A succulent and green plant that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable comes under the category of word asparagus. Succulent young shoots which can be eaten by cooking are called asparagus.
Definition of Asparagus in Urdu.
پرانی دنیا کے پودوں کی ایک جینس جس کی بہت زیادہ شاخیں ہوتی ہیں اسےموصلی سفید کہتے ہیں۔ ایک رسیلا اور سبز پودا جسے سبزی کے طور پر پکا کر کھایا جاتا ہے لفظ موصلی سفید کے زمرے میں آتا ہے۔ رسیلی جوان ٹہنیاں جنہیں پکا کر کھایا جا سکتا ہے اسے موصلی سفید کہتے ہیں۔
Form Noun
How To Spell Asparagus [Uh-spa-rah-gus]
Origin of Asparagus Asparagus is a perennial and monocotyledonous plant that is grown for its edible stems. Asparagus is a member of the Liliaceae family east, in the Caucasus Mountains.
Synonyms of Asparagus, Similar to Asparagus.
There are many synonyms of the word asparagus which include veggie, veg, vegetable, edible, herbaceous plant, bamboo shoots, juicy stems, etc.
Asparagus Urdu Meaning.
If you find the correct meaning of the word asparagus, then first understand this word. Asparagus meaning in Urdu is, “ موصلی سفید” and written in Roman Urdu as “Mosli Safaid”. There are many synonyms of the word asparagus which include veggie, veg, vegetable, edible, herbaceous plant, bamboo shoots, juicy stems, etc. According to the part of speech, asparagus is a noun. Asparagus is spelled as [Uh-spa-rah-gus]. Asparagus is a perennial and monocotyledonous plant that is grown for its edible stems. Asparagus is a member of the Liliaceae family east, in the Caucasus Mountains.
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