HomeEnglish to UrduAttribute meaning in Urdu

Attribute meaning in Urdu

The attribute meaning in Urdu is, وصف as written in Urdu, and we write the word attribute in Roman Urdu as “Wasf”. There are many synonyms for this word which include aspect, facet, quality, marks, trait, characteristic, peculiarity, quirk, features, signs, distinction, etc.

Aspect پہلو

Facet پہلو

Quality معیار

Marks نشانات

Trait خصلت

Characteristic خصوصیت

Peculiarity خاصیت

Quir نرالا

Features خصوصیات

Signs نشانیاں

Distinction امتیاز

Definition of Attribute in English.

A quality or participle that is connected to another in any person. Being good to any human being falls under the category of attribute. A characteristic given to a person or a group is called an attribute. For example, one of your best qualities is having a passion for helping others and your willingness to get involved.

Definition of Attribute in Urdu.

ایک معیار یا حصہ جو کسی بھی شخص میں دوسرے سے جڑا ہوا ہے۔ کسی بھی انسان کے ساتھ اچھا ہونا صفت کے زمرے میں آتا ہے۔ ایک خصوصیت جو کسی فرد یا گروہ کو دی جاتی ہے اسے وصف کہا جاتا ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر، آپ کی بہترین خوبیوں

میں سے ایک دوسروں کی مدد کرنے کا جذبہ اور اس میں شامل ہونے کے لیے آپ کی رضامندی ہے۔

Form Verb

How To Spell Attribute [At-ri-be-ute]

Origin of Attribute Its origin is the verb from Latin attribute and allocated: both verb from attribute, from Late fifteenth century, from ad-to + tribute assign.

Synonyms of Attribute, Similar to Attribute.

There are many synonyms for this word which include aspect, facet, quality, marks, trait, characteristic, peculiarity, quirk, features, signs, distinction, etc.

Attribute Urdu Meaning.

The attribute meaning in Urdu is, وصف as written in Urdu, and we write the word attribute in Roman Urdu as “Wasf”. There are many synonyms for this word which include aspect, facet, quality, marks, trait, characteristic, peculiarity, quirk, features, signs, distinction, etc. Its origin is the verb from Latin attribute and allocated: both verb from attribute, from Late fifteenth century, from ad-to + tribute assign. The attribute is a verb according to parts of speech. There are also several similar words in attribute in our dictionary, Authentic and Real. The attribute is spelled as [At-ri-be-ute].

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