HomeEnglish to UrduFlatter Meaning in Urdu

Flatter Meaning in Urdu

The flatter meaning in Urdu is, “چاپلوسی” and written in Roman Urdu as “chaplosee”. There are many synonyms of the word flatter which include belated, butter up, commend, honey, massage, adulate, overpraise, hero-worship, sweet-talk, flattering, admire, etc.

Praise تعریف

Butter up مکھن چڑھانا
Commend تعریف

Honey شہد

Adulate تعریف کرنا

Overpraise زیادہ تعریف

Hero-worship ہیرو کی عبادت

Sweet-talk میٹھی باتیں

Flattering چاپلوسی
Admire تعریف کرنا

Definition of Flatter in English.

Praising someone for making them feel beautiful falls into the category of flattery. Making someone happy by showing love or admiration is called flattery. For example, overpraise someone too much, such as how young you look or how good your complexion is.

Definition of Flatter in Urdu.

کسی کو خوبصورت محسوس کرنے پر اس کی تعریف کرنا چاپلوسی کے زمرے میں آتا ہے۔ محبت یا تعریف کرکے کسی کو خوش کرنا چاپلوسی کہلاتا ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر، کسی کی بہت زیادہ تعریف کریں، جیسے کہ آپ کتنے جوان نظر آتے ہیں یا آپ کا رنگ کتنا اچھا ہے۔

Form Verb
How to spell flatter [Flat-ter]
Origin Its origin is Proto-Germanic Frankish, from Proto Indo, old French flatter, from Middle French flatter.

Synonyms of Flatter, Similar to Flatter.

There are many synonyms of the word flatter which include belated, butter up, commend, honey, massage, adulate, overpraise, hero-worship, sweet-talk, flattering, admire, etc.

Flatter Urdu Meaning.

If you want to find the correct meaning of the word flatter, then first understand this word.

The flatter meaning in Urdu is, “چاپلوسی” and written in Roman Urdu as “chaplosee”. There are many synonyms of the word flatter which include belated, butter up, commend, honey, massage, adulate, overpraise, hero-worship, sweet-talk, flattering, admire, etc . According to the part of speech, flatter is a verb. Flatter is spelled as [flat-ter]. Its origin is Proto-Germanic Frankish, from Proto Indo, old French flatter, from Middle French flatter.

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