Inflation meaning in Urdu is مہنگائی and we write it as “Afrata-zar” in Roman Urdu. There are several synonyms of inflation including rising prices, enlargement, expansion, boost, spread, development, increase, extension, etc.
Rising prices بڑھتی ہوئی قیمتیں
Enlargement وسعت
Expansion توسیع
Boost فروغ
Spread پھیلاؤ
Development ترقی
Increase اضافہ
Extension توسیع
Inflation مہنگائی
Inflation definition in English.
So Inflation is the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country. During inflation commodity prices increases. Inflation is caused by the pressure on the supply and demand chain.
Inflation Definition in Urdu.
افراط زر سے مراد وہ شرح ہے جس پر قیمتیں بڑھتی ہیں۔ افراط زر ایک ایسا پیمانہ ہے جس میں اشیاء کی قیمتیں بڑھتی رہتی ہیں۔ گیس یا ہوا بھرنے کے عمل کو افراط زر کہا جاتا ہے۔
Form Noun
How to spell Inflation [In-fley-stion]
Origin English middle: Inflation dates from the mid-19th century: from inflating ‘blow in to’ Inflate. From Latin inflation.
Synonyms of Inflation, Similar to Inflation.
Synonyms of inflation include rising prices, enlargement, expansion, boost, spread, development, increase, extension, etc.
Inflation meaning in Urdu.
If you want to find out the correct meaning of inflation in Urdu. It is essential to understand the word and then translate it from English to Urdu. There are several meanings for every word in Urdu but the correct meaning of inflation in Urdu is مہنگائی and in Roman, we write it as “Afrata-zar”. Inflation is a noun according to the parts of speech. Inflation is written in Roman Urdu as [In-fley-shuh n] and its origin is English middle: Inflation dates from the mid-19th century: from inflating ‘blow in to’ Inflate. From Latin inflation.
Inflation is an increase in the amount of money faster than the spread of the actual national products. Inflation is the elasticity of the supply of products that is zero in response to an increase in the provision of money.
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