Sexologist meaning in Urdu is, “جنسی ماہرین” and written in Roman Urdu as “Jensi Mahireen”. There are many synonyms of the word sexologist which include sex therapy,
marriage counseling, group therapy, counsel, counseling, analyst, therapy, aversion therapy, marriage guidance, etc.
Sex therapy جنسی تھراپی
Marriage counseling شادی کی مشاورت
Group therapy گروپ تھراپی
Counsel مشورہ
Counseling مشاورت
Analyst تجزیہ کار
Therapy علاج
Aversion therapy نفرت تھراپی
Marriage guidance شادی کی رہنمائی
Definition of Sexologist in English.
A person who studies gender and sexuality is called a sexologist. Studying or specializing in human sexual behavior comes under the category of sexologist. This study includes sexual interests, functions, and behaviors. Sexologist provides sexual counseling to people for their various medical treatments.
Definition Sexologist in Urdu.
ایک شخص جو جنس اور جنسیت کا مطالعہ کرتا ہے اسے سیکسولوجسٹ کہا جاتا ہے۔ انسانی جنسی رویے کا مطالعہ کرنا یا مہارت حاصل کرنا سیکسولوجسٹ کے زمرے میں آتا ہے۔ اس مطالعہ میں جنسی دلچسپیاں، افعال اور طرز عمل شامل ہیں۔ سیکسولوجسٹ لوگوں کو ان کے مختلف طبی علاج کے لیے جنسی مشاورت فراہم کرتا ہے۔
Form Noun
How To Spell Sexologist [Sek-sol-lo-jist]
Origin of Sexologist The founder of sexology in England, Havelock Ellis, revolutionized the concept of sex in his time. They challenged the sexual norms of their time masturbation and homosexuality.
Synonyms of Sexologist, Similar to Sexologist.
There are many synonyms of the word sexologist which include sex therapy,
marriage counseling, group therapy, counsel, counseling, analyst, therapy, aversion therapy, marriage guidance, etc.
Sexologist Urdu Meaning.
If you find the correct meaning of the word sexologist, then first understand this word. Sexologist meaning in Urdu is, “جنسی ماہرین” and written in Roman Urdu as “Jensi Mahireen”. There are many synonyms of the word sexologist which include sex therapy, marriage counseling, group therapy, counsel, counseling, analyst, therapy, aversion therapy, marriage guidance, etc. According to the part of speech, sexologist is a noun. Sexologist is spelled as [Sek-sol-lo-jist]. The founder of sexology in England, Havelock Ellis, revolutionized the concept of sex in his time. They challenged the sexual norms of their time masturbation and homosexuality.
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