Grow meaning in Urdu is بڑھنا and parhna as written in Roman Urdu and grow written in Urdu as گرو. There are many synonyms of a grow which include develop, build, increase, growth, swell, expand, spread, flourish, thrive, etc.
Develop ترقی
Increase اضافہ
Growth ترقی
Swell پھولنا
Raise اٹھانا
Expand پھیلائیں
Spread پھیلاؤ
Flourish پھلنا پھولنا
Thrive ترقی کی منازل طے کرن
Definition of Grow in English.
Grow means to move towards determination and maturity as the branches of trees grow together to form a natural arch. Grow means to promote your generation and make progress.
Definition of Grow in Urdu.
بڑھنے کا مطلب عزم اور پختگی کی طرف بڑھنا ہے کیونکہ درختوں کی شاخیں ایک ساتھ بڑھ کر قدرتی محراب بنتی ہیں۔ بڑھنے کا مطلب اپنی نسل کو فروغ دینا اور ترقی کرنا ہے
Form: Verb
How To Spell Grow: [ge-row]
How to pronounce grow: geroh
Origin of Grow Grow word comes from Middle English. It has different names in different dictionaries in old English its groan which means to grow or to increase or flourish, in proto-Germanic its groana which means to grow and grow green.
Synonyms for Grow.
develop, build, increase, growth, swell, expand, spread, flourish, thrive, etc.
Grow Urdu meaning.
‘Grow’ in Urdu, it’s really important to know and understand properly. When we translate it from English to Urdu. There are always several meanings for each word in Urdu but here in this case the correct meaning of ‘Grow’ in Urdu is بڑھنا and in Roman, we write it as ‘parhna’. The other meanings or synonyms are develop, build, increase, growth, swell, expand, spread, flourish, thrive, etc, and grow is a verb according to the parts of speech.
Definition in Urdu word Grow.
بڑھنے کا مطلب عزم اور پختگی کی طرف بڑھنا ہے کیونکہ درختوں کی شاخیں ایک ساتھ بڑھ کر قدرتی محراب
بنتی ہیں۔ بڑھنے کا مطلب اپنی نسل کو فروغ دینا اور ترقی کرنا ہے
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