HomeEnglish to UrduCorrigendum Meaning in Urdu 

Corrigendum Meaning in Urdu 

Corrigendum Meaning in Urdu is, تصحیح نامہ” and written in Roman Urdu as “Tashee- nama ”. There are many synonyms of the word corrigendum which include erratum, blunder, imprecision, deception, howler, defect, fault, exaggeration, amendment, blunder, slip, deception, miscalculation, wrong, etc. 

Erratum                                                                                    خطا

Blunder                                                                                   غلطی

Imprecision                                                                              غلط

Deception                                                                                دھوکہ

Howler                                                                                چیخنے والا

Defect                                                                                         عیب

Fault                                                                                          غلطی

Exaggeration                                                                      مبالغہ آرائی

Amendment                                                                                ترمیم

Blunder                                                                                      غلطی

Slip                                                                                             کهسکنا

Miscalculation                                                                       غلط حساب

Wrong                                                                                            غلط

Definition of Corrigendum in English.

Corrigendum means printing errors that can be viewed after printing and those to be corrected. Correcting a mistake, especially in a printed document correcting a mistake is called a corrigendum. For example, if any work has been printed and there is a mistake in the published work, it is to correct it.

Definition of Corrigendum in Urdu.

درستگی کا مطلب ہے پرنٹنگ کی غلطیاں جو پرنٹنگ کے بعد دیکھی جا سکتی ہیں اور جن کو درست کیا جانا ہے۔ غلطی کو درست کرنا، خاص طور پر پرنٹ شدہ دستاویز میں غلطی کو درست کرنے کو کوریجنڈم کہا جاتا ہے۔ مثلاً اگر کوئی کام چھپ گیا ہو اور شائع شدہ کام میں کوئی غلطی ہو تو اسے درست کرنا ہے۔

Form                                                                Noun

How To Spell corrigendum                            [Kor-ri-gen-dum]

Origin of corrigendum                                    Its origin comes from Latin early 19th century. Both words  come “Corrigendum and “correct” from the Latin Verb corrigere which meaning is “to correct”.

Synonyms of Corrigendum, Similar to Corrigendum.

There are many synonyms of the word corrigendum which include erratum, blunder, imprecision, deception, howler, defect, fault, exaggeration,  amendment, blunder, slip, deception, miscalculation, wrong, etc. 

Corrigendum Urdu Meaning.

If you find the correct meaning of the word corrigendum, then first understand this word. Corrigendum Meaning in Urdu is, “تصحیح نامہ” and written in Roman Urdu as “Tashee- nama ”. There are many synonyms of the word corrigendum which include erratum, blunder, imprecision, deception, howler, defect, fault, exaggeration, amendment, blunder, slip, deception, miscalculation, wrong, etc. According to the part of speech, the corrigendum is a Noun. The corrigendum is spelled as  [Kor-ri-gen-dum].  Its origin comes from Latin early 19th century. Both words come “Corrigendum and “correct” from the Latin Verb corrigere which meaning is “to correct”.

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