HomeMake MoneyCreative new small business ideas

Creative new small business ideas

Nowadays everyone really wants to start their own business but they don’t have clear information that from where they should start and which idea they should choose and start working on it. So I’ll be sharing 6 creative new small business ideas with you to get started.

Self-care subscription

From the list of creative new small business ideas, the very first business idea is to start a self-care subscription company. So as y’all know 2020 was the year of staying home and being alone unfortunately right, but with the alone time came more of a need for self-care, so it’s definitely a great idea to start a self-care subscription box company. The reason I say a subscription box company is because you’re able to utilize products that are made by other businesses and put them together in your box. 

So for example, You can do outreach to other small business owners or even minority-owned businesses that create these skin care maybe even bath bombs and things like that those types of products. you can literally put them in your box and send your customers a different box every month or every quarter. 

However often you want to do it and so that is a little amount of money to start up because literally, you would just have to get your boxes designed and then actually get the boxes printed. But all of the products that go in the box will come from elsewhere business ideas.

Feminine Care

From the list of creative new small business ideas, the second idea is to start a feminine care business bouncing off of business idea number one for women feminine hygiene is a big thing. so with the whole self-care rise came a need for feminine care as well especially organic feminine care, because when you go into the stores there are different washes and things like that contain a lot of chemicals. That is the reason why businesses like a honey pot. For example, was able to actually rise and grow at such a rapid rate because there was a need for feminine hygiene products that were natural slash organic right. So maybe think about starting a feminine care business.

Baby Hair care

From the list of creative new small business ideas, the third one is the cutest idea ever and it is to start a baby hair care business. A lot of people are paying attention to hair care in general but I feel like babies are being ignored and that is why small businesses that decide to focus on baby hair care are literally booming right now. So if you are thinking about getting into the hair care space and you have some experience with creating baby products, I would definitely look into making that the core of your business creating like a baby line. 

Another reason too is when you go to big picture stores a lot of the baby products there are very generic they don’t specify textures, they don’t specify ethnicity or anything like that. So maybe if you have a child that has a certain hair care text a certain hair texture or if you’re of a certain ethnicity, you probably know the problems that you’re experiencing when it comes to caring for your baby’s hair and you can create a product line to help combat those and help people who are having those same issues.

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Create a Hair Care Subscription box

From the list of creative new small business ideas, the fourth idea is to create a hair care subscription box. So all of us know that we have to wash our hair on a routine basis, and we have to care for our hair on a routine basis. If we want it to stay healthy, if we want it to grow long etc right, so with the whole self-care on the uprise hair care was also on the uprise as well. Now more than ever I see people doing the big chop, I see people talking about vitamins to grow their hair, I see people using hair growth oils and things like that.

So what time then now is a better time for you to bundle that into a subscription because we have to do it on a routine basis. It means that your products are going to run out. My products run out probably like every month and a half or something like that and so you can maybe even do a survey and figure out around, what time range people’s products usually run out and then make that your pattern for your subscription. So if you realize that people’s subscriptions usually run out at the 60-day mark then maybe your subscription runs every 60 days that’s definitely a great idea, because when it comes to subscription-based models once you sell to a customer and you lock them in they can stay for months and even years as long as you’re giving them a quality product. 

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Event Designer

From the list of creative new small business ideas, number five is you can become an event planner or an event designer, and the reason I’m saying this is when hitting a lot of events and major events such as weddings and huge birthday parties and things like that. Even corporate events got shifted back and 2022 is actually the year that a lot of them got shifted back to so needless to say the event space is booming there is a high demand for event planners and event designers. 

So if you are really organized you know how to stay on top of things, if you have a knack for events maybe you have a knack for decor, I would definitely look into becoming an event planner or a designer and take advantage of that rush that is about to happen in 2022. Because that can help you establish your portfolio and then in 2023 and 2024, you can get a consistent flow of clientele, because you have such a strong portfolio from joining during a rush year.

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Pet sitting company

From the list of creative new small business ideas, the last business idea is you can start a pet sitting company what I found was that during the past year over 23a  million families decided to add a fur baby to their family okay 23 million well over 23 million and so that means that there are people out there that need help with their pets and because the world is slowly opening back up again.

 A lot of people are also traveling so imagine starting a pet sitting company where you can watch people’s pets as they go on vacation, as they go on work trips, as they go to these weddings that are all happening in 2022 that can be a very lucrative business for you and it literally takes nothing to start maybe you have to create some business cards or something like that and get some printed and then starts advertising on Instagram and maybe you even want to make like a website or something. But there are a lot of affordable options when it comes to making a website so it’s literally a very low-cost option for you to start.

Read: How to Start a successful online business: Online business ideas



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