HomeCrypto blogCryptopedia: Key Terms to Understand in Crypto

Cryptopedia: Key Terms to Understand in Crypto

Cryptopedia: The language used is crucial, whether you’re new to cryptocurrency or you believe you understand everything. It can all be a little confusing, and occasionally that may make you want to avoid getting involved. You need to understand some of the jargon if you want to feel like an insider rather than someone desperately trying to belong to the cool club without understanding anything. You might be surprised to learn how easy it is.

In this article, we’re going to learn all about cryptopedia, the most common terms in crypto from A to Z to better understand the language and what each term means.

Table of Contents

Cryptopedia words from letter A

Absolute Advantage 

An economic theory in which one party produces or provides a particular good or service more efficiently than another party.

Active Management

A method of investing used by fund managers to outperform a market or an index and make money.

Ad Hoc 

A phrase with Latin roots that are used to mean specifically this in modern English.


A hashed version of a public key that identifies the location of a specific wallet on the blockchain.


The public receives access to digital assets either by holding a particular other token or just by having an active wallet address on a specific blockchain.


A set of clear instructions that are used to solve a problem.

All or None Order or (AON)

A purchase order that once placed, can either be fulfilled completely or not at all. This stops orders from being partially filled.

All-Time high (ATH)

The most expensive price of a cryptocurrency is a reference currency like a dollar, bitcoin, Ethereum, or bitcoin. A well known term in cryptopedia.


An allocation of equity or tokens that may be earned, bought, or reserved for a specific investor, group, team, or other related entity.


The first look at a product made by a team is the very first iteration of a simple, primitive product or piece of software.

Web 3.0 Crypto coins
Web 3.0


A cryptocurrency that is not bitcoin is referred to as an alternative cryptocurrency.

Angel investor

Wealthy investors who look for chances to finance business startups or entrepreneurs.

Anti-Money laundering (AML) 

A system of legal and regulatory practices designed to reduce and stop the flow of money coming from questionable or illegal activities.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of operations and steps that enable users to interact or communicate with the data of a program or service, such as a message exchange to programmatically carry out the service’s features.

Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) 

An integrated circuit that has been specially designed for a specific use rather than for general use.


Assets are bought and sold on various markets to profit from varying prices on the same asset.


An ASIC-resistant cryptocurrency has its protocol and mining algorithm set up in a way that makes it either impossible for ASIC machines to mine the coin or offers little advantage over conventional GPU mining.

Ask Price 

When selling an asset on an exchange, the lowest price a seller is prepared to accept on their sell order.

Asset Management

A method or system that aids people or businesses in managing their own or their clients’ assets.


Electronic systems may experience events that do not occur simultaneously, rapidly, or in accordance with the primary program flow.

Atomic Swap 

A cryptocurrency can be exchanged for another using smart contracts rather than centralized intermediaries like exchanges.

Attack Surface 

Places where a hacker might try to break in or steal data from a software environment.


A live event where goods or services are negotiated through a bidder-led auction process.

Cryptopedia words from letter B


The collection of coins and tokens one owns is frequently linked to a basket of underperforming assets that investors insist on keeping.

Bear Market 

A downward trend in market prices, it is frequently used in both traditional markets and the cryptocurrency space.


A benchmark that can be used to assess how well a specific asset or investment portfolio is performing.


A technical specification outlining a set of guidelines for the creation and administration of tokens within the Binance Chain ecosystem.


Bep-20 is a token standard on Binance smart chain that extends Erc-20 the most common Ethereum token standard. It functions as a guidebook for tokens that outlines their use, eligibility requirements, and other guidelines. It is compatible with both because of its resemblance to the Bep-2 and Erc-20 Binance chains used by Ethereum.


A technical standard that defines a set of rules for the issuance of NFTs in the Binance smartchain ecosystem,


Bep-95 is a Binance evolution proposal that introduces a real-time burning mechanism to Binance smart chain.

Beta (Coefficient)

A method for calculating an asset’s volatility in relation to the volatility of a given portfolio or market index.

Beta (Release) 

The beta stage follows the alpha stage and is an early version of a program for users to test and for a team to receive feedback.

Bid Price 

In the context of financial markets, it’s the value buyers offer for an asset such as a commodity, security, or cryptocurrency.

Bid-Ask Spread 

The price difference between the asset’s lowest asking price and highest bid price as recorded in the order book.

Binance Blockchain Charity Foundation (BCF) 

The first decentralized charity platform in the world to promote blockchain technology for social good.

Binance Community votes 

when the community has the chance to select their preferred project in order to receive a free listing on Binance.

Binance Ecosystem Fund (BEF) 

An initiative by Binance to collaborate with partners who care about the blockchain or cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Binance Labs 

A program to empower blockchain and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, projects, and communities as well as a social impact fund.


A digital currency produced by eponymous programmer Satoshi Nakamoto. Peer-to-peer cash was the initial description of the first cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Core 

Leading the implementation of Satoshi’s original software, which allows users to communicate with the bitcoin network.

Bitcoin Dominance 

The proportion between the market value of bitcoin and the total value of all cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Pizza 

Lazlo Heniaks paid 10,000 bitcoin for two pizzas in the first known exchange of bitcoin for a physical good.

Black Swan Event 

An event that frequently has no warning and differs significantly from the anticipated outcome, has far-reaching effects.


A blockchain is created when transaction data is organized in a linear fashion within a computer file.

Block Explorer 

A blockchain website where users can browse data on blocks, transactions, balances, and past transactions.

Block Header 

A portion of a block that includes transaction statistics and metadata. When mining, this information is hashed.

Block Height 

The number of blocks in the chain between itself and the first block on that blockchain, genesis block or block zero.

Block Reward 

Coin payouts are made to cryptocurrency miners by the blockchain protocol for each successfully mined and validated block.


A digital, decentralized ledger that keeps track of cryptocurrency transactions in reverse chronological order.

Bloom Filter 

A data structure that can be used to tell a user if a certain object is a part of a set.


A launched by Binance after an initial coin offering that ended on July 3, 2017, used for receiving exchange trading fee discounts among other utilities.

Bollinger Bands 

A technical analysis indicator that measures market volatility. It’s made of two side-long bands and a simple moving average.


A reward announced by a group or an individual to encourage a particular work behavior, like development or referrals.

Break-Even Point (BEP)

The point at which an operation’s total costs equal its present value or revenue.

Breakeven Multiple 

The amount that an asset must increase in value beyond its current value in order to surpass its previous all-time high.


When the price of an asset moves outside of a defined range or pattern typically by breaking out of support or resistance area.


It’s originally derived from the phrase “HODL,” which stands for “keep your head down and work on building your product.” HODL is very famous term used in cryptopedia.

Bull Market 

Both traditional markets and the cryptocurrency space frequently use the term “positive trend in prices of a market.”

Buy Wall 

A single massive buy order or the combination of several massive buy orders placed at the same price in a specific market’s order book.

Cryptopedia words from the letter C

Candidate Block 

A temporary block is created by a mining node or miner to add to the blockchain to receive the block rewards.


A price action graph that shows the high and low points at the beginning and end of a given period.


A period of intense selling during which investors liquidate their holdings and sell their positions as soon as they can.

Censorship Resistance 

A cryptocurrency network’s feature makes it impossible for anyone to change any of its transactions.

Central Bank 

A financial institution that acts as a monetary authority and manages the state’s currency, interest rates, and money supply.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) 

The component of a computer executes operations and interprets commands from computer programs.


When a system’s planning and decision-making processes are concentrated at a single location.


A technique for message encryption and decryption Depending on their primary model, these can be classified as symmetric or asymmetric.

Circulating Supply 

The closest estimate of the total number of cryptocurrency coins and tokens that are available to the general public and are actively traded.


A shared collection of resources in computer science that are made online access to numerous users.


A cryptocurrency or digital asset used for value exchange that operates independently of any other platform.


The practice of pledging a valuable asset as security for a loan to ensure that the borrower will pay back the loan in full.


A designated area in a data center that is shared with other organizations, such as high-frequency traders, belongs to stock exchanges.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

A US-based organization in charge of policing the derivatives markets, which include futures contracts, swaps, and options.

Confirmation Time 

The interval between the time a transaction is submitted to the network and the time it is added to a block that has been confirmed.


When several trading signals, technical indicators, or investment strategies are combined to create a more reliable strategy.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) 

A consumer price index or CPI is a measure used to track the effects of inflation over a period of time.


Personal information examples include username, password, email address qualifications, and much more.

Future of Crypto currency
Cryptocurrency the Future of money.


A form of digital money that can be used as a medium of exchange in a peer-to-peer or p2p economic system and is protected by cryptography.


The study of encrypting and decrypting data using computation and mathematical theories.


It can also refer to the ownership of one’s money or assets. It describes the holding of assets on behalf of a client.

Cryptopedia words from the letter D


A background process that waits for a certain circumstance or event before it can be activated.

Dead Cat Bounce 

A momentary increase in the value of a declining asset is quickly followed by a continuation of the downward trend.

Decentralized Application (DApp) 

Applications that utilize a peer-to-peer network of computers as opposed to a single, central computer. As a result, the software can operate on the internet independently of a single entity.

Decentralized Autonomous Cooperative (DAC) 

A company that is managed by shareholders as opposed to a single controlling force.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) 

A set of hard-coded guidelines that specify the course of a decentralized organization’s actions.

Decentralized Exchange (DEX) 

A trading platform that doesn’t require users to hold or deposit money in order to start trading; instead, users trade directly from their own wallets.

Decentralized Finance or (DeFi) 

Developed on top of blockchain networks, the ecosystem consists of decentralized financial applications.


The act of reverting an encryption process so that unreadable data or ciphertext can be converted into readable data or plain text.

Deep Web 

The part of the web that is somehow hidden for example not indexed by google and other traditional web search engines.


The removal of a resource from an exchange, either at the exchange’s discretion or in response to a request from the project team.

Design Flaw Attack 

A malicious user intentionally develops a smart contract, decentralized market, or other software with knowledge of specific flaws in order to deceive users interacting in the permissionless environment.


The difficulty needed to mine a block is referred to as difficulty in cryptocurrencies.

Difficulty Bomb 

The increase in mining difficulty in Ethereum as a result of its transition to proof of stake is known as a “difficulty bomb.”


when a technical indicator, such as the RSI, volume, or Macd, is moving in the opposite direction from the market price of an asset.


The distribution of funds among various asset classes and legal systems in an effort to lower overall risks.

Do Your Own Research (DYOR) 

A wise piece of counsel Instead of believing what others say, it’s always advisable to do your own research on a coin or token.

Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) 

Investing a set amount of money over a set period of time, regardless of the asset’s price.

Double Spending 

When a given amount of coins are spent more than once usually as a result of a race attack or a 51% attack.

Cryptopedia words from the letter E

Eclipse Attack 

When a large portion of the network’s peers are malicious and monopolize it in an effort to prevent some nodes from receiving information from trustworthy nodes.

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) 

An economic theory that claims financial markets always reflect all information on the cost of assets.


The transformation of information or data into a secure code to prevent unauthorized access.

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)

Delivering an open standards-based architecture and specification to speed up the adoption of enterprise Ethereum is the first global standards organization in the sector.


A technical standard was put forth by Fabian Vogelsteller in November 2015 that is used to create and implement tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum Explained
Picture by


This is an Ethereum-based non-fungible token, which means that each token is distinct and cannot be exchanged for another token.


A cryptocurrency exchange where customers can buy and sell coins.

Cryptopedia words from the letter F

Fake Out 

A scenario in which a trader opens a position in anticipation of a price movement that promptly reverses or doesn’t materialize.

Falling Knife 

It describes the practice of investing in an asset while it is rapidly losing value in the hope that it will rebound.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

The worry and fear that you might be passing up an opportunity that could be profitable.

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD)

A marketing technique for creating unease among consumers, traders, or investors.


A unit of currency that has been deemed legal tender by a government.

Fill or Kill Order (FOK) 

A buy or sell order must be completed in full immediately or it will be canceled.


The assurance or guarantee that completed cryptocurrency transactions cannot be altered, reversed, or canceled.

First Mover Advantage (FMA)

The competitive advantage of being the first project to launch a product or service into a fresh, untapped industry or market.

Fiscal Policy 

It describes how authorities adjust the tax rates of a country influencing how public funds should be collected and used.


The name to describe the moment when litecoin or LTC surpassed bitcoin cash or BCH in terms of market capitalization.


The name to describe the moment when or if Ethereum or eth surpasses bitcoin or BTC in terms of market capitalization.

Forced Liquidation

When a trader’s leveraged position is forcibly closed because the necessary margin requirements were not met.

Forex (FX)

The term “Forex” refers to the international market where fiat currencies are traded.

Formal Verification 

Ensuring specific characteristics of blockchain mechanisms and cryptographic algorithms through rigorous mathematical proofs.

Full Node 

A computer that completely validates blocks and transactions on a blockchain and implements all of the rules of the underlying blockchain network.

Fundamental Analysis (FA) 

Assessing a resource according to its fundamental qualities and traits in an effort to determine the resource’s intrinsic value.


The quality of an asset whose constituent parts are identical in terms of worth and functionality.

Futures Contract

A standardized form of forwarding contract that serves as a binding contract to buy or sell an asset at a future date and price.

Cryptopedia words from the letter G

Ethereum Gas Fees
Picture by


The method used to determine transaction fees and the cost of running smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Gas Limit 

The highest cost a cryptocurrency user will agree to when performing a smart contract function or sending a transaction.

General Public License 

Software copying and modification are permitted, but the works must be distributed with the same license.

Genesis Block 

It’s the very first block ever added to a particular blockchain network is also known as block zero or block one.


A website system folder and repository where a team can share collaborate and save their open source or proprietary code.

Golden Cross 

A bullish chart pattern where a shorter-term moving average crosses above a long-term moving average.

Gossip Protocol

A specific approach to asynchronous peer-to-peer communication among distributed system computer nodes.


It is a common practice to measure gas prices using a small denomination of ether. One Giga Wei, or Gwei, is equal to one billion whey.

Cryptopedia words from the letter H


An individual that has an advanced understanding of computer systems and networks including programmers and cyber security experts.

Haha MoneyPrinter Go Brrrrr 

Haha, Moneyprinter Go Brrrrr is a meme created in response to the federal reserve’s 2020 plan to print more money.


when the block reward of a cryptocurrency like bitcoin falls to 50% of what it once was. In order to eventually reach a finite supply of a crypto asset, this is used to create a decaying rate of issuance.

Hard Cap 

The maximum amount of funds a project intends to raise during its initial coin offering or ICO or alternative fundraising event.


The output of a hash function after mapping a piece of data is known as a digest, hash value, or hash code.

Hash Rate

The rate in hashes per second at which a computer or piece of mining equipment can calculate new hashes.

Hashed Timelock Contract (HTLC) 

It refers to a special feature that is used to create smart contracts that are able to modify payment channels.

High-Frequency Trading (HFT)

A type of algorithmic trading that involves the execution of large numbers of orders and fractions of a second.


A typo of hold, originating from bitcoin talk that has also been retrofitted to be an acronym for hold on for dear life to maintain ownership of coins and not sell.


A mechanism used in computer security to detect or counteract unauthorized access to information systems.

Cryptopedia words from the letter I

Iceberg Order

A conditional order that divides the purchase or sale of a large number of assets into smaller, predetermined amounts while concealing the overall order amount.


One of the key characteristics of bitcoin and blockchain technology is its intransigence.


A financial tool used to monitor the price changes of a specific asset or portfolio of assets.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

A means of raising money through the sale of cryptocurrency to investors through new projects.

Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

A method of fund-raising that aims to reduce the risk for token buyers by inserting a trustworthy middleman between the user and the project team.

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

It talks about when a private company first begins offering its shares for sale to the general public.

Integrated Circuit (IC) 

A tiny silicon chip that contains a group of transistors, resistors, or capacitors, among other electronic components.


A theory that would enable blockchains to work together and build on each other’s features and use cases.

Interplanetary File System (IPFS) 

A distributed content storage and access protocol are being developed by an open-source project.


An informal document that acknowledges a debt one party owes to another is known by the abbreviation IOU, which stands for “I Owe You.”

Isolated Margin

The amount of margin assigned to a position. By limiting the amount allocated to each position, traders can control risk.


The creation of a new cryptocurrency can happen in a number of ways depending on the criteria the creators have set.

Cryptopedia words from the letter J


The smallest denomination of BnB derived from the telegram handle of the Binance community manager at the time.

Cryptopedia words from the letter K


A versatile cryptographic function designed by Guido Bertoni, Joan Damon, Michael Peters, and Jill Vanessa.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

An accepted practice in the finance sector that enables businesses to recognize their clients and adhere to KYC AML laws.

Cryptopedia words from the letter L


The interval between submitting a transaction to a network and getting the first indication that it was accepted.

Law of Demand

The law of demand is concerned with consumers’ willingness to purchase a certain quantity of products or services at a certain price.

Layer 1 Blockchain
Layers of Blockchain

Layer 2

A second framework or protocol is added to an existing blockchain system to increase scalability


A physical book or an electronic data file where financial and monetary transactions are tracked and documented


A grouping of reliable resources, including written code, documentation, message templates, and executable files.

Lightning Network 

This is one suggested scaling solution: a second layer operating on top of a blockchain to enable faster transaction speeds among participating nodes.


Linus Torvalds developed a well-known open-source operating system that is used in a variety of devices all over the world in 1991.


The capacity to sell or buy a specific asset without subjecting it to significant price changes on the open market.


Either a request from the project team or a choice made by the exchange that adds an asset to the exchange.

Cryptopedia words from the letter M


A fully developed and implemented blockchain protocol where transactions are broadcast, verified and recorded.

Mainnet Swap 

When a coin transitions from a native on-chain token on its main net to a third-party on-chain token on a third-party platform, such as Ethereum.


When you place an order and it is not filled right away, remaining in the order book until someone later matches it or fills it, you are considered a maker.


Any piece of code or software designed specifically to compromise networks and computer systems and cause harm.

Margin Trading 

Trading with borrowed money is a high-risk strategy that should only be used by seasoned investors.

Market Capitalization

The sum of a coin’s supply is multiplied by its current price to determine its total trading value.

Market Momentum

The ability of a certain market to maintain a continuous increase or decrease in price within a particular time frame.

Market Order

When a taker selects the highest offer or asks for a cryptocurrency while considering the order’s price and quantity.


Nodes that frequently demand a minimal amount of a specific coin be staked in order to access staking rewards.

Maximum Supply 

It refers to the total number of coins or tokens that will ever be produced for a specific cryptocurrency.


The method used by a node to keep track of unconfirmed transactions that it has observed but has not yet been included in a block.

Merged Mining

A method of mining two or more cryptocurrencies at once without affecting overall mining performance.

Markle Tree

A hash-based data structure is a way to organize and structure large amounts of data to make it easier to process.


Data contains information about other data, such as details about a particular transaction’s features.


The process of adding transactions as entries to the blockchain ledger after they have been verified on a network.

Mining Farm

A collection of many miners often in a warehouse or a large data center devoted to mining cryptocurrencies.

Monetary Policy

It refers to the policies that authorities create and adopt to control the money supply and interest rates of a country.


A slang term for a cryptocurrency or other asset that is showing a strong upward market trend.


A wallet that requires another party to authorize a transaction before it is broadcasted to the network.

Cryptopedia words from the letter N


A participant in a blockchain network who communicates with other participants to uphold the integrity and security of the network.

How to Promote NFT Project
NFT Marketing

Non-fungible Token (NFT)

A specific kind of interchangeable cryptographic token stands in for a singular digital or physical asset.


A randomly generated, one-time-only string or number is produced for verification to stop replaying previous transactions.

Cryptopedia words from the letter O


Off-chain transactions that take place may be reported or bundled together before being submitted to the main chain.

Offshore Account

A bank account that is registered in a country other than the one in which the owner was born.

One Cancels the Other Order (OCO) 

A pair of orders can each be created concurrently, but only one of them can be carried out.

Open Source Software (OSS)

Software is released under a license that permits unrestricted use, distribution, and updating.


A third-party data source or feed that is used to determine how smart contracts will behave.

Order Book 

A digital record of all active buy and sell orders for a particular asset on a market or exchange.

Orphan Block

In earlier iterations of the bitcoin core, ancestry information wasn’t necessary, so a block whose parent block is unknown formed.

Cryptopedia words from the letter P

Paper Wallet

A sheet of paper with a physical printout of a cryptocurrency address and the private key associated with it.

Passive Management

An investment strategy that follows an existing economic index rather than depending on active market exposure.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

When at least two computers are linked together and can share tasks or resources without a centralized server.

Pegged Currency

A currency whose value is intended to stay constant in relation to a particular asset. One USDT, for instance, is a stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar.


A malicious attack is when a bad actor tries to obtain a user’s login information in order to access their account without authorization.


An off-chain scaling solution for Ethereum that could significantly boost its capacity for transactions per second.

Polkadot Crowdloan 

Staking polka dot or dot tokens to support particular projects in the polka dot slot auction is referred to as a “Polkadot crowd loan.” Participants may receive rewards from the projects in exchange.

Ponzi Scheme

These are scam schemes don’t invest in these because they are a scam where money from new investors is used to pay returns that were promised to earlier investors.

Price Action

The price movement of a financial asset over time is plotted on a chart, it can be used by traders to identify trade setups.

Prisoner’s Dilemma

An example of why two people might not work together even when it would seem to be in their best interests.

Private Key 

A private key in cryptocurrency is a long string of characters that gives users the ability to sign transactions and create receiving addresses.

Private Sale

A seed round of funding for strategic investors with sizable amounts of investable capital.

Progressive Web Application (PWA) 

A program that adheres to fundamental web standards and is developed using contemporary web technologies.

Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP)

A procedure that produces digital badges or collectibles to commemorate and keep track of event attendance.

Proof of Stake (POS) 

A method of reaching consensus that pays block validators in accordance with the coins they are risking.


A definite function’s ability to produce results that pass statistical tests for randomness.

Cryptopedia words from the letter Q

Quantum Computing 

Particles that can be in superposition are used in quantum computing; they stand in for bits and can simultaneously hold the values of 1 and 0 or both.

Cryptopedia words from the letter R

Race Attack

When the same funds are used to fund two transactions at once with the intention of using those funds twice.


A form of malware that takes control of your computer and demands payment in exchange for the release or deletion of files.


A slang that means “liquidated” is used to describe someone or something that has been destroyed or failed catastrophically.

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

A technical tool for determining overbought and oversold conditions that measure market momentum.


A term in technical analysis or TA, when a price that is increasing finds resistance usually compared with previous highs.

Return on Investment (ROI)

A metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment. the proportion of net income to net expenses.


A method of business planning that outlines a company’s short- and long-term objectives within a flexible estimated timeline.

Routing Attack 

An attempt to compromise an internet service provider in order to lower availability or prevent participation in a web-enabled system like blockchain.

Rug Pull

A rug poll in the crypto industry is when a development team suddenly abandons a project and sells or removes all of its liquidity.

Cryptopedia words from the letter S

Bitcoin Explained a complete Guide


The smallest unit of a bitcoin as defined by the bitcoin protocol equals 100 millionth of a bitcoin or 0.000000001 BTC. 

Satoshi Nakamoto

The pseudonym of the creator or creators of the bitcoin protocol and white paper.

Secure AssetFund for Users or (SAFU) 

An emergency insurance fund for users, Secure Asset Fund was established by Binance in 2018.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 

A separate government agency is in charge of regulating the stock market.

Security Audit 

A systematic analysis to evaluate how safe a system smart contract or blockchain is against attacks or technical failures.

Seed Phrase

A seed phrase or mnemonic seed is a collection of words that can be used to access your cryptocurrency wallet.

Segregated Witness (SegWit)

A method that allows more transactions to fit within one block by separating transaction signatures from bitcoin transactions.

Selfish Mining 

The strategic withholding and releasing of blocks by a minor in order to gain a competitive advantage over the network.

Sell Wall 

A very large limit sell order or an accumulation of sell orders at the same price level on an order book for an asset.


The general opinion of a group of people about a cryptocurrency or among investors toward a particular financial market.

Sharp Ratio

A ratio developed in 1966 that economists and investors use to determine the ROI (potential return on investment).

Smart Contracts 

An automated contract that triggers certain actions when predetermined conditions are met, works like if, then conditions as for instance it needs condition c met before money can be transferred from a to be.


The capacity to document the state of a computer system, storage device, or blockchain ledger at a particular time.

Source Code 

Based on a series of instructions and statements, computer code defines how the software will operate.


A kind of cryptocurrency intended for steady value maintenance rather than sharp price fluctuations.

Staking Pool

A pool where participants pool their stakes in an effort to boost their chances of successfully validating a new block.

State Channel

A two-way communication path between two network users, nodes, or users and services.

Store of Value

A good, thing, or currency that can be kept, retrieved and exchanged in the future without losing value.


A device, whether physical or virtual, that utilizes all available computing power.

Supply Chain

A group of people and organizations dedicated to developing, distributing, and catering to a specific product or customer base.


A term in technical analysis or ta when a price that is decreasing finds support usually compared with lows.

Cryptopedia words from the letter T


The person who chooses to place an order that is immediately matched with an already-existing order on the order book is known as the taker.


A phrase used to describe a specific asset’s consistently poor financial performance that was borrowed from traditional financial markets.


The shorthand name or trading symbol that, in most cases, is capitalized and refers to a coin on a trading platform, such as BnB.


Tokens, which should not be confused with coins, are digital units that can store value or be exchanged for assets and are created on a blockchain.

Token Lockup

The period during which tokens or coins cannot be transferred or traded is known as the vesting period or token lockup.

Tokens Sell

An initial coin offering, or ICO, is the process of issuing tokens in exchange for another cryptocurrency.

Total Supply 

It refers to the number of coins or tokens that are currently in existence and either in use or locked in some manner.

Transaction ID (TXID)

A transaction id or txid is a unique string of characters that labels each transaction on the blockchain.

Transactions Per Second (TPS) 

The number of transactions per second that a blockchain network can handle.


The system is controlled by no single entity, and also participants can agree without having to trust one another.

Turing Complete

Any computational problem, regardless of complexity, can be solved by a machine given sufficient time, memory, and instructions.

Cryptopedia words from the letter U

Unit of Account

One of the main characteristics of money is that it makes it possible to measure and compare the value of various things.

Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)

A transaction output that needs to be referred to in another transaction in order to be used to spend money.

User Interface (UI) 

The interface determines how a user can interact with a machine and is where interactions between humans and machines take place.

Cryptopedia words from the letter V

Verification Code 

Code sent to a second device to ensure the identity of someone logging into an account, used for two-factor authentication.

Virtual Machine 

A distributed system or an emulated computer system created to mimic the characteristics of a computer’s architecture

Vladimir Club 

A term used to refer to someone who has (0.01) percent or 1% of a cryptocurrency’s maximum supply.


When calculating the annual return of an asset over a specified time period, standard deviations are used to measure how quickly and how much the price of an asset changes.


A count of the individual assets that were traded in a market at a specific point in time.

Cryptopedia words from the letter W

Defi Wallets
Defi Wallets


Different types, such as software wallets, hardware wallets, and paper wallets, are used to send and receive cryptocurrencies.

Weak Hands

A term used to describe traders or investors who lack the conviction to hold their investments or to follow their trading strategies.

Weak Subjectivity 

It refers to the requirement that some nodes depend on other nodes in order to determine the state of a pos blockchain at a given time.

Web 1.0 

The term “read-only web” refers to the early iteration of the internet when data consisted mainly of read-only pages linked by hyperlinks.


The smallest amount of ether, also known as eth, is the currency used on the Ethereum network and is frequently mentioned in connection with gas prices.


A person or group with control over the markets due to their large holdings of bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.


The lines extending from the colored bar in a candlestick chart indicate the full low-high range of a trading pair within a certain time frame, also referred to as wicks or shadows.

White List

A list of approved users trusted software or cryptocurrency addresses in connection with a service or event.


A line that can be seen on a candlestick chart is used to show where an asset’s price is changing in relation to its opening and closing prices.

Wrapped Ether or (WETH)

ERC-20 token represents ether at a one-to-one ratio it allows users to trade eth to ERC-20 tokens on a decentralized platform.

Cryptopedia words from the letter Z

Zero-knowledge Proofs

Proofs that transactions are legitimate without disclosing any information about them ensure the privacy of the transaction and uphold its legitimacy.


An approach to zero-knowledge proofs using a short, non-interactive argument of knowledge.

51 Percent Attack

51 percent attack also known as a majority attack when one or a group of miners control greater than 50% of the network’s mining hash rate or computational power.

I hope this article was very helpful to you now that you are familiar with cryptopedia the terminology used in the field of the crypto industry, share this cryptopedia guide with your friends if you want them to understand the terms used in the cryptocurrency industry. Also, let me know in the comments if I missed any words in this cryptopedia guide, I have covered a lot of terms, but feel free to add any additional terms in the comment section below.







Bull Market 

Bear Market 

The four major types include utility, payment, security, and stablecoins. There are also some other tokens like DeFi tokens, NFTs, and asset-backed tokens.

Read up on cryptocurrency slang terms that you might need when interacting with experienced users like FOMO, HODL, ATH, DIP, BTD etc

These categories are transactional, platform, and utility. Each cryptocurrency solves a particular problem and fits into one of three categories.

Satoshi Nakamoto is the owner of creator of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which has virtual tokens or coins that can be used to trade or make purchases.

NFTs are different from cryptocurrency although NFTs are cryptographic assets on a blockchain but they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency.

HOLD on For Dear Life

Do Your Own Research

Yes, cryptocurrency is taxable You pay taxes on cryptocurrency if you sell or use your crypto in a transaction.



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